
Web development at WIXSOL, we specialize in crafting stunning, speedy, secure, and responsive web apps tailored precisely to your requirements. From backend to APIs and frontend development, our team selects the optimal technology for your project.
Structure for the web design

Our Process

At WIXSOL, we adopt an agile approach, breaking down development into small, 2 to 3-week sprints. By applying best practices, offering early snapshots, continuous access, and listening to feedback.

we ensure your project aligns with your needs, cutting wasteful guesswork, miscommunications, and optimizing resource utilization.

web design setup in wix

Backend Development

In most cases, the majority of the code is non-user interface. Backend development operates behind the scenes, handling business logic without a direct interface. This includes the database, storing essential data like users, products, and sales. Each project we undertake prioritizes a robust, scalable backend for sustained success.

Frontend Development

Front-end development oversees the visual aspects users encounter first in their browser or application. It ensures error-free presentation aligned with design specifications. Our developers utilize leading-edge technologies and best practices, guaranteeing your website's authenticity as a Responsive Web App with consistent visibility across various browsers and devices.
web design in computer
API in web design


An API serves as a set of clearly defined methods enabling external clients, such as website frontends or mobile apps, to communicate with a backend system. Essentially, it exposes system capabilities to the world or internal clients, facilitating seamless integration.

Progressive Web Apps

If you have an existing web app. you can take the fast route towards putting it on mobile users’ home screens. Start attracting mobile users by creating a Progressive Web App. Features include: pin to home screen, push notifications, background work, offline functionality.
Progressive Web Apps​


Staff Augmentation

Staff Augmentation

Is your business growing quickly. Does your team lack some required skills. An augmentation of your workforce may be the solution you’re looking for.

Staff Augmentation

Staff Augmentation

Are you looking for a team to help you boost your development efforts. Set up a remote office with us and. Let us manage the full cycle development while you focus on the business vision.

Staff Augmentation

Product Building

Our UX&UI Designers, Product Managers and Engineers have the skills to take your idea. And make it real. We will help you design. Develop and launch your app at an affordable price, on time.

Want to know more about our Web Development Services?

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